Tuesday, 29th November 2018
09:00 |
Registration |
09:45 |
Opening Session |
Teresa Pinto Correia |
António Candeias Diretor do Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada (IIFA) |
Different Approaches Applied to Environment and to Agriculture |
Chair: Manuel Mota Universidade de Évora – ICAAM, IHC
10:15 |
Alergia e Ambiente: uma abordagem multi-disciplinar no estudo da doença alérgica respiratória sazonal Célia Antunes Universidade de Évora – ICAAM, ICT |
10:55 |
O potencial desconhecido da cultura do tremoço. Blad e deflamina Ricardo Boavida Ferreira Instituto Superior de Agronomia – LEAF |
11:35 |
Coffee break and poster session
Presentations selected form the submitted abstracts |
12:00 |
Atmospheric pollutants NO2 and O3 contribute to augmented allergenic activity of grass pollen Ana Galveias |
12:15 |
Time series analysis as a tool to study the behavior of airborne Platanus pollen during a 11-year period Beatriz Lara |
12:30 |
Establishment and standardization of soil enzymatic activity assays at Soil Microbiology Laboratory Taiana Conceição |
12:45 |
Effect of biological enrichment of compost and its storage period on the biological control of Sclerotium rolfsii in turfgrass (Agrotis stolonifera L.) Luísa Coelho |
13:00 |
Lunch |
13:45 |
Field trip (organized by LabOr) As aves do montado e ribeira da Herdade da Mitra |
14:30 |
Microbiological evaluation and physico-chemical and sensory characterization of cheese produced in Cape Verde Elyane Borges Dias |
14:45 |
Effect of species, seasonal variation, and addition of transglutaminase and glucomannan fiber on the physical properties and sensory evaluation of fish hams prepared with gilthead sea bream, sea bass, and meagre Ana Teresa Ribeiro |
14:30 |
Olive Grove, Vineyard and Other Cultures |
Chair: Augusto Peixe |
15:05 |
Vírus de plantas: de agentes causadores de doença a protetores de plantas Maria do Rosário Félix Universidade de Évora – ICAAM |
15:45 |
Cromatografia de alta resolução: Métodos analíticos para análise vestigial Marco Richter Gomes da Silva Universidade Nova de Lisboa – LAQV-requimte |
16:25 |
Coffee break and poster session
Presentations selected form the submitted abstracts |
16:45 |
Study of Portuguese extra virgin olive oils according to the producing agricultural method: A qualitative and ecological approach Miguel Ferro |
17:00 |
Evaluation of anthocyanin profile during ripening in Vitis vinifera red wine grape varieties grown in Alentejo Maria Inês Rouxinol |
17:15 |
Mycorrhization of Cistus spp. with Terfezia arenaria (Moris) Trappe and its application in desert truffle cultivation |
17:30 |
Sustentabilidade: caminho sem volta André Ramalho Flores Consultor técnico na área da Sementeira Direta |
20:30 |
Meeting Dinner at the restaurant “Cozinha do Cardeal” |
Friday, 30th November de 2018
Mediterranean Agro-Silvo-Pastoral Systems |
Chair: João Rabaça |
09:00 |
Tecnologias na monitorização do montado: uma abordagem global sobre o ECO-SPAA João Serrano Universidade de Évora – ICAAM |
09:40 |
Agro-Silvo–Pastorícia: Inovação com Tradição José Mira Potes Instituto Politécnico de Santarém – Escola Superior Agrária |
10:20 |
Coffee break and poster session
Presentations selected form the submitted abstracts |
10:50 |
Visions and strategies for water management in agriculture: a transdisciplinary experience in the Alentejo Taiana Homobono |
11:05 |
Climate change in the development of a model of occurrence of forest fires: determination of trend series and critical periods Leonel Nunes |
11:20 |
Evaluation of the interactions soil – pasture – trees and animals in Montado ecosystem Emanuel Carreira |
Biodiversity and Ecosystems Functioning |
Chair: Anabela Belo Universidade de Évora – ICAAM
11:40 |
Estradas e biodiversidade. Coexistir ou não coexistir, eis a questão António Mira Universidade de Évora – CIBIO-InBIO, ICAAM |
12:20 |
Bem-me-quer, mal-me-quer: uma história sobre cegonhas e linhas eléctricas Francisco Moreira Universidade do Porto– CIBIO-InBIO |
13:00 |
Lunch |
Presentations selected form the submitted abstracts |
14:05 |
Floristic analysis of four communities of Prunus lusitanica L. from Europe and North Africa Mauro Raposo |
14:20 |
Effect of Alqueva Dam on terrestrial invertebrates communities: threat or opportunity Rui Raimundo |
14:35 |
Accounting for connectivity uncertainties in predicting roadkills: a comparative approach between path selection functions and habitat suitability models Francesco Valerio |
14:50 |
Regime of fire in Portugal: assumptions and facts Nuno Guiomar |
Animal Production and Health |
Chair: Catarina Lavrador Universidade de Évora – ICAAM
15:10 |
O papel do útero na sobrevivência e desenvolvimento do concepto Rita Payan Carreira Universidade de Évora, CECAV |
15:50 |
Coffee break and poster session |
16:05 |
Doença hemorrágica viral em coelhos bravos Conceição Peleteiro Universidade de Lisboa-FMV, CIISA |
Presentations selected form the submitted abstracts |
16:45 |
Characterization of the Mertolenga Breed phenotypes under the influence of the CAP in the period between 1986 and 2012 Luís Santa Maria |
17:00 |
Evaluation of elastase and cathepsin G inhibition on collagen transcription and prostaglandin secretion in mare endometrium Ana Amaral |
17:15 |
Assessing pubertal age of male Bísaro pigs through testicular and epididymal morphometric parameters – preliminary results Gustavo Paixão |
17:30 |
Environmental conditions in pigs facilities located in Southern Europe Teresa Morgado |
17:45 |
Closing session |
Note: The posters will be displayed throughout the Meeting.
Scientific Committee
-Ana Teresa Caldeira, Universidade de Évora – HERCULES
-Elsa Leclerc Duarte, Universidade de Évora – ICAAM
-Luís Leopoldo Silva, Universidade de Évora – ICAAM
-Luiz Gazarini, Universidade de Évora – ICAAM
-Maria João Cabrita, Universidade de Évora – ICAAM
-Teresa Pinto Correia, Universidade de Évora – ICAAM